3 Best Trigger Point Exercises

     Best Trigger Point Exercises for You 

Neck pain can be one of the most excruciating pains and yes treating a neck injury is quite difficult. Pain might be associated with a series of pulled muscles or a pinched nerve.  Neck pain is also caused as a result of irritation in the side joints of the lower cervical vertebrae; this irritation causes the muscles around your shoulder to ache badly causing a throbbing pain which is not bearable.
These muscles are said to be the triggering points as they often cause the neck pain, to relieve you from the pain a number of exercises have been created to help in relieving these symptoms. Below are some very good trigger point exercises to get rid of the neck pain – all of which are very easy to follow and require very less equipment, and can be done in office or home.

Foam Roller Exercises
At different sports store you can purchase the foam rollers for $10-$20. Foam rollers can be used for a number of effective exercise that can assist in reducing the trigger point pain.
Simply you can lay down flat on the floor and place the foam roller under your neck adjusting it around the trigger point muscles and stretch them out to help in easing the pain
Roll it slowly up and down your neck while you lay straight on the floor is a simple trigger point exercise, that helps is reducing the neck pain, you can do this exercise multiple times a day just to ease your pain.

Use A Racquetball
Ever thought the small hard racquetball can be an effective way for massaging the trigger point ache through a few simple exercises. Find a plain empty wall and lean up against it with your upper back. Place the racquetball between your shoulder blades so that it is forced resolutely on the scapular muscles. Then bend your legs in a squat so you can easily roll the ball along your back, side to side, back and forth, up and down massaging those trigger point muscles.

Chin Tucking
The trigger point muscles can also be exercise to relieve the pain by simply moving your neck and head in specific ways, strengthening and stretching the muscles at the same time. Sit straight in a chair push your shoulders back, causing to sit straight up as possible. Look straight in front of you then slowly bring your chain back into your chest. It can help you in placing your index finger in the middle of your chin and pressing it back into your chest, hold this position for five to ten seconds and then you can slowly release it, bringing your head to a level position. This can be repeated 10-15 times in a row each day when you feel the trigger point pain in your neck.
