Top Tips for Buying a New Cricket Bat

The type of bat that you purchase and the amount of money that you spend on it depends on how you plan to use your bat. You don’t remember playing with an actual cricket ball in your childhood or even now if you play cricket in your garage with your kid. So the point is you shouldn’t randomly walk in a brick and mortar store pick the first bat that comes to your sight and pay for it. There are various designs and material that constitute a cricket bat and if you are a pro, you must know that!

What do you need it for?

Make sure before you leave your house to purchase a bat, you know what you’ll be using it for. For instance if it is an intense competition that you will be using it for then it needs to be of intermediate to good quality English Willow Cleft.

Different kinds of cricket bats

If you are a professional level cricketer then need a bad made of High Quality English Cleft with a grain profile of 8-15 grains. The grains of a bat made for professional cricketers are straight and the distance between each grain should loo equal. Make sure while selecting a high end cricket bat, that you examine the bat for equal grain distance. Do examine the bat from under the stickers pasted for any hidden knots that are a sign of brittle wood. The grain profile of the front of the bat should be same as the back for high impact tolerance.

If the intensity of use of your bat is not too much then you may resort to a less expensive alternative that is made from a medium level quality of English Willow Cleft. A few knots in this kind of a bat and non-parallel grains won’t matter as the product will not be used as roughly as in case of a professional bat. An average bat with a grain profile of 6 to 10 grains is good to go even if the grains are not truly parallel. It is acceptable if the grains at the front face are not the same as the grains at the back but you must make sure that the front of the bat does not have any knots. 

Checking the sweet spot for any knots is a must before buying a bat for medium intensity usage.
If you just enjoy playing in your street with your children then you need not spend those bucks on expensive bats. You just need to stroll to the sports goodies shop next door or look for a medium quality bat that may be able to take the impact of the tennis ball that you play with.
