The 5 Best Kettlebells Exercises That You Should Do

The 5 Best Kettlebells Exercises That You  Should Do

The kettlebells exercise is the most versatile and effective training tools for your strength and fitness goals. When you are working with kettlebells you are working on your whole body and not just only one part.
Here the most recommended five kettlebell exercises for increasing the strength of your body, improving mobility and fat loss.
Include these exercises in your routine training program and you will be on your way to becoming a stronger and leaner person.

The Swing                                                  

The Swing is the most basic kettlebell movement.
The swing is not a squat but it’s a hinge!
The swing movement develops exceptional hip extension, strong hamstrings and glutes from its explosive movement. The cardio effects have swings alone are better than any 60 min treadmill workout and can be done in less time.

Double Clean And Press

The double kettlebell clean and press is the best exercise that you can do that combines upper and lower body power and strength. The lower body is used to get the bells to the rack position and the upper body is used to press the bells overhead.
It needs power, coordination and teaches the body how to work as a single unit. The kettlebell clean and press is an incredible strength builder.

Front Squats

The double kettlebell front squat should be a part of your program for a number of reasons. The kettlebells in the rack position works on your core tremendously and forces your body to upkeep a straight position.
Kettlebell front squats are a better variation and have a more shoulder friendly option to back squats. They still work the quads in a better way.

Renegade Rows

The renegade row is a killer core exercise, it works on your pulling muscles as well as the pushing ones.
This drill will expose weaknesses in strength and stability like the other few drills.


Turkish get up creates strength at many different angles, particularly ones that don’t really work through conventional exercises. This movement strengthens these areas, reducing any chance of injury. It makes your body work from head to toe as a combined unit.

In my opinion these are the best kettlebell exercises you can do. There are a lot more but at least you have somewhere to start from.
